The Daily Telegraph: Future of Women in Western Sydney Summit

By Madeleine Damo. Published March 10, 2023, Penrith Press

Women from Sydney’s west have gathered at Parramatta’s CommBank Stadium for an International Women’s Day summit, discussing postcode prejudice, carer responsibilities, higher education access and other key issues.

The initiative by advocacy group Western Sydney Women is aimed at supporting women having a seat at the table where decisions are made.

“Better opportunities and more economic security for women is intimately tied to greater wellbeing and better financial outcomes for society as a whole,” says Western Sydney Women director Amanda Rose.

“This is why we advocate for women to be involved in a genuine and equitable way with all aspects of the process when it comes to deciding the future direction of western Sydney. “Without the input of western Sydney women, stakeholders miss out on key viewpoints that are critical to the region’s future success.”


The Future of Women in Western Sydney Summit – International Women’s Day 2023


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