Building confidence and skills with Habitat Women

Habitat Women Term 3 has kicked off with a bang! There was a full house of enthusiastic new students at the Meadowbank workshop for start of term.

Habitat Women welcomed two cohorts of 18 women who have been engaged and demonstrated great support for one another as they begin this exciting journey.

The new starters also met graduates who have been working in the Habitat Women social enterprise to deliver amazing projects for our non-profit partners, including some beautiful planter builds, as well as putting together our new kitchen in the workshop.

It’s hard to believe that the students are only on week 3, but the new team has already received their white card and First Aid + CPR qualifications and are in the workshop training. It’s impressive to hear that everyone jumped on the saws and had a go. And to think, they are only getting started…

We’re excited to see what these women acheive and have no doubt that they are going to go on and do some amazing things!


Introducing the next generation of women to STEM and Trades